Introduction to ReactiveSwift (pt 1)

Reactive Swift is a Functional Reactive Programming framework for Swift. It’s awesome. It can make your code declarative, simple and way less stateful. It can handle things that normally need a bunch of ifs and bool state, in just a handful of lines. It’s incredibly concise. I could honestly go on and on, but you’re probably reading this because you know it’s awesome and you want to get into it.

Well it’s your lucky day, because this series of posts is designed to ease you into FRP with ReactiveSwift, from the perspective of regular iOS development. I’m not going to start with a reactive login screen (FRP’s TodoMVC). We’re going to start with basic primitives and build up from there. Hopefully after reading these posts, you’ll skip the usual first step of the FRP n00b, which is to reactive allthethings! end up with a convoluted stinking pile of 💩 and then do a rewrite.

So let’s get started. I’m gonna to assume you’re fluent in Swift, you have a clone of the Reactive Swift repo, and you have the playground fired up and ready for action.

Signals, Events, Values, say what?

Let’s say you want to send a String somewhere. In ReactiveSwift speak, that String is a value. This value is sent as an Event using an Observer, which emits it on a Signal. Anything interested in this String can connect to the other end of this Signal to receive it.

String => (Observer => Signal) => YourStringReceiver

At the moment it kinda seems like a regular delegate pattern with different nomenclature. Let’s dig a little deeper. So, Observer and Signal go hand in hand. All Signals have an Observer that emits the events through it, either implicitly or explicitly. Let’s create the pair explicitly using Signal’s pipe() convenience constructor:

let pipe = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()

This returns a tuple, giving the tag input to the Observer and output to the Signal. Signals and Observers are generics, and in this case we specialise them to work with String values and no error handling, for now. More on errors later.

Now we have the pipe, we can observe values sent through the Signal by attaching a closure to it:

pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  print("🚙 My other car is a \(value)")

Now, every time an String is emitted on the Signal this observeValues closure is fired with it as the value.

Finally, to actually emit our String, we send it to the Observer object:

pipe.input.send(value: "DeLorean")

The Observer emits DeLorean on the Signal as a value Event (more on Events later), arriving at our observation closure. The direct result of the above line being executed is the observeValues closure being fired once with DeLorean as the value.

All together now:

let pipe = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()

pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  print("🚙 My other car is a \(value)")

pipe.input.send(value: "DeLorean")

Copy/paste this into the sandbox playground and play around with it. Try extra pipe.input.send lines, changing the value sent for each. You’ll see in the debug console that the block is fired exactly once with each value received in the order we sent them.

So one of the cool things about Signals is that you can attach any number of closures. That is to say, they can be observed by more than one thing. So the value of one send(value:) can be received and used in many different ways and contexts.

let pipe = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()

pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  print("I got 99 problems but a \(value) ain't one")

pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  UIPasteboard.general.string = value

pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  UserDefaults.standard.set(value: value, forKey: "JustSummerThings")

pipe.input.send(value: "🏖")

Neat. But what if we want to stop observing a Signal? In other words, disconnect a single closure. In a normal delegate pattern situation we’d simply nil the .delegate. In a multicast delegate situation we’d have a func to call to remove an individual delegate. In the world of ReactiveSwift where there is no distinct object but rather a closure, we need a more fine grained construct. This is where Disposable comes in. Each time you observe a Signal, you get a Disposable in return.

let pipe = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()

let problemsDisposable = pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  print("I got 99 problems but a \(value) ain't one")

let beersDisposable = pipe.output.observeValues { value in
  print("The \(value) is my favourite place to sling code")

pipe.input.send(value: "🏖")
pipe.input.send(value: "🗽")

When you call dispose() on a Disposable it disconnects the observation, so the closure no longer fires.

Already this is pretty cool and we’re barely scratching the surface. We basically have a multicast delegate pattern in a handful of lines, without custom protocols 😎

A Series of Unfortunate Events

But there’s more to Signals than just transmitting values. They can also fail, or be interrupted, or complete. The Event enum is used to represent all these events. When you .observe a Signal, you’re really observing the Events being emitted on that Signal. The .observeValues is a convenience which allows us to only pay attention to the Event.value events - in our case above, the String values. Let’s take a look at the other Event cases.

Firstly, .failed. Funnily enough, this is used to represent something that has gone wrong 🙅‍♂️. This has an Error type associated value. This gives us strongly typed and declarative error messaging. But there’s more to it. If a Signal receives a .failed Event, it will stop emitting any further Events. So this is used if we encounter a situation where we cannot continue and need to inform anything observing the Signal what went wrong.

enum EmojiError: Error {
  case nonLyrical

let pipe = Signal<String, EmojiError>.pipe()

pipe.output.observe { event in
  switch event {
  case let .value(value):
    print("I got 99 problems but a \(value) ain't one")
  case let .failed(error) where error == .nonLyrical:
    print("Bro, do you even Jay Z?")

pipe.input.send(value: "🏖")
pipe.input.send(value: "🍺")
pipe.input.send(error: .nonLyrical)
pipe.input.send(value: "🏖")

Notice that the last value "🏖" didn’t send, because the Signal had received .failed . Perfect. Sidenote: normally we would use an operator to detect that "🍺" is the wrong emoji and automatically fail. More on this later.

Next we have .completed. This also causes the Signal to stop, but without an Error. It is generally used to indicate success - the Signal has finished without issue and we don’t need it anymore.

let pipe = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()

pipe.output.observe { event in
  switch event {
  case let .value(value):
  case let .completed:

print("Hey barkeep, mix me something good")
pipe.input.send(value: "2 shots of Campari")
pipe.input.send(value: "Ice cubes")
pipe.input.send(value: "Soda")
pipe.input.send(value: "2 lime wedges")

Finally there’s .interrupted, which is very similar to .completed but is used to simply stop the Signal rather than indicate success. This might not seem useful right now, but when we get into operators and chaining it will become clearer. As an example, pretend a Signal could be used to process an array of images[^1], but during processing the user leaves the screen. The Signal should stop work, but it didn’t complete nor did it error. It has been interrupted. This way, the app can clean up anything being used for image processing but leave out the success path that would have shown an alert or something. Without any bools or ifs or external state 💯

In each case above where the Signal stops (.failed, .completed, and .interrupted), it will not emit any further Events even if its Observer attempts to. So if we’re clumsy with our code and try to send a .value Event after a Signal has completed, it won’t send - the Signal is already stopped. It also won’t throw an exception or anything.

And one last note about manually created Signals (like we do above with .pipe): if they still have active observers (closures that haven’t been disposed), they won’t deinit until they receive .completed, .failed or .interrupted. It’s really important to check your Signals deinit correctly when you’re starting out.

Phew, quite a lot to take in I’m sure. So that’s all for now. Stay tuned for the next post, where we add operators to the mix and build a small playground to search for party parrot gifs. Of course. See you then! 👋

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